Willoughby exhibition a hit

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Talented Unisson art studio artists Frances Scott, Kim Merrick and Venessa Crane have been recognised for their participation in the Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate art exhibition hosted by Willoughby council, in partnership with Ability Links Uniting.

The exhibition and competition, which concluded with judging at a community morning tea on Dec 3rd, the International Day of People with a Disability was launched to provide an opportunity for people with disability to promote and showcase their creative talents and artworks.

Frances and Kim were delighted to receive participation awards for the paper pulp artworks they created at the Pymble art studio and Venessa was thrilled to win first prize for an original painting that she completed at an enabled art class at Forestville. The self portrait with Your Side DARTS transport volunteer Bert expresses her thanks to all of the volunteers who support her.

“This painting was inspired by all the extraordinary work that volunteers do in our community to assist others. This enriches and makes such a difference to the lives of so many people,” says Venessa. “I personally have had a wonderful life because of my Mum and volunteers, many of whom have become genuine friends. How lucky am I!”

Venessa wins a $100 Eckersley voucher and will have the opportunity for a solo art exhibition at the Dougherty Community Centre.

This was the first year of the art exhibition, which proved to be so successful and well attended that it will now be an annual event.

Venessa Crane receiving her award from Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney. Also featured, Vanessa’s Your Side DARTS transport volunteer Bert. In the background is her painting ‘Where would I be without volunteers – self portrait with Bert’.
Frances Scott receiving her award from Willoughby Mayor Gail Giles-Gidney. In the background is her paper pulp artwork ‘Lucy the budgie’
Kim Merrick was unable to attend to receive her award in person. Above is her paper pulp artwork ‘Upstream’.

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