Sensory Friendly Movies

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Sensory friendly movie screening is available monthly on a Sunday at participating NSW Event Cinema locations.

The sensory friendly movie screenings aim to allow families who have sensory needs to enjoy their favourite films in an accepting environment. Throughout these screenings kids are encouraged to get up to freely move around, shout and sing to their favourite film.

During the sensory friendly screening times the cinemas lights will be dimmed and the volume will be lowered for sensitive ears. For those customers who wish to eliminate all sound, sensory headphone kits are also available for hire at participating Event Cinemas.

Event Cinemas are one of the many major retailers who have aimed to make a difference by offering an experience where all customers feel welcomed and valued. Some of the major retailers who have jumped on the band wagon include participating Westfield’s, Coles and Woolworths retailers.

If you are interested in attending one of the sensory friendly movie screenings tickets can be purchased for $6 on the Event Cinema website. To take a look at the remaining 2019 screening dates and times, please see below.

Sunday 20th October – Angry Birds 2

Sunday 10th November – Abominable

Sunday 8th December – Frozen 2

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